
One week has passed

It's Friday night....already.
The time passes very quickly!

I gave my paper to my professor today except "Discussion" part.


The graduation ceremony

Today, I went to the graduation ceremony for the internship program which I attended last year. I couldn't go last March because I was in Texas. That's why I attended today instead of last time. Today, I also made a presentation for my internship.

I want to say thank you again to everyone in RAC, especially Life Science members!!



When I was leaving University, I found a mantis on the door in the dark!
Don't scared me, buddy!!
I thought he wanted to go out, so I left the door open:-)


Very HOT!!

I found this noodle at a convenience store and the package said "uma-kara", which means tasty and hot.

It was too hot for me. I cannot taste anything without hot pepper!

Try one if you really like hot foods!



I printed out my favorite pictures and bring to my desk in lab!


Three-day weekends

Today is Friday and it is the starting day of this three-day weekends!!

Last week, we had three-day weekends and this week too.
I don't know why, but even if I need to come to University this weekend, the sound of "three-day weekends" still makes me feel good☆

Looking outside, the weather is very nice. 
I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!!


I went to a bookstore and I found she/he was waiting for!

I have never seen someone goes walk thethe rabit before. Looks smart and cute☆




I found one of my favorite snack at a convenient store!!

This one have soled ever since I was a child.
This snack is a limited-time product for autumn to winter.

Typhoon is coming....

Our company said "leave the company " as soon as possible. So I leave the office 13:00 and came home 15:30. Some trains stopped already because of the wind and rain and I saw many people were at stations and trains look like on the way home.

One typhoon landed Japan one hour ago and it is coming to Tokyo!

Some of the places in Japan have damages and many people have evacuated because of the danger, especially flood damage. I hope may people are fine and it not last long.

This year looks and feels like "The year of Natural Disaster".


From my mobile

I hope I can send from mobile!
I am reading papers and writing my prepublication paper.


Auntie & Anne's


Come on, TacoBell!!

Auntie & Anne's HP http://www.auntieannes.jp/
TacoBell 's HP http://www.tacobell.com/