


それは, どうしようもないと思っていたことさえも,意外とコントロールできるんだということ.




もう1つ例を挙げれば,就職活動.不景気のときならなおのこと,社会の経済状況を理由に,就職できないと説明するのは簡単かもしれない.でも,それでは,自分にとって全くメリットがないし,前にも進んでいけない.気分としては,どこかの落とし穴にすっぽりとはまって身動きができない感じ.確かに,この社会事情という外枠は,自分では変えられない.けれど,そこにいる自分自身は変えられるはず.今自分がどうすればいいのか,今の自分には何ができるのかを考えたら,物事が動き出すような気がする. 止まっていた振り子が,動き出すように・・・・.周りに流されていた自分を,自分のコントロール下におくことで,動きやすくなるし,悩みが減るのではないか.






Hanami at night

Cherry blossoms are blooming fully right now! It's so beautiful!! Not only the day time but also the night time is good for Hanami.


The Last Day of my PhD Student Year

Today is the last day for my PhD Student years.
I have been a PhD student for eight years while I was working at companies from2007. Sometimes research was endless and it seemed like never finish. I felt I couldn't finish PhD in the middle but I did!!

I learned many things during these years. I was learning at both school and company at the same time. Some people told me I was wasting my time but I have never though like that way because I learned that everything what I am doing right now will connect to my future when I was undergraduate. However, I was not sure I can do whatever I want to do in my life because I failed to pass examinations for Medical schools. In addition, I cannot give up anything without reasons that I can accept from my heart.

These combination brought me to do my research at PhD course. It was tough for early PhD years but I met many people later who helped me and encouraged me a lot. And then, fortunately, I finished PhD with many people's helps. I am really thankful to all of you.

I want to take it easy for a little while to move on to the next.


Do my best and be at my best

I was on the way from gym and I suddenly realized that "to do my best" and "to be at my best" is different. I tried to do my best all the time but I didn't care to be at my best. This means that even if I try to do my best, it is not my best because I am not at the best condition. When I want to do my best, to be at my best is needed. From now, I am trying to be at my best before to do my best.



震災から3年 ~今思うこと~











確かに,物理的な”復興”のみならず精神的な”復興”を含めた大きな意味での”復興”に時間はかかるだろう.何せ,なくしたものが大きすぎる.ただ,そこに強さも感じる. 前向きに生きていく強さ.


風の電話 http://www.asahi.com/special/10005/TKY201105120083.html


My finding - the relationship between the number of products and populations -

When I was at supermarket in Shanghai, I found many foods from Japan and they had more and more tastes!! We can find two or three tastes for one snack in Japan but more than five in China.

I was wondering why China has that much variety of tastes and I noticed because of the large population. 

Japan doesn't have much population so companies cannot make many tastes because companies are not able to sale as much as they want while it costs so much. However, China has large population so they can sale large number of products with many tastes. 

I cannot count people to make sure China has large populations but I feel it at supermarket with the many kind of products they sale at there. 

I thought this is one of good aspect of the large number of population!! 
The larger populations, the larger variety of foods!!!








上向きのスパイラルをつくり, 成長していくために,今まで以上に意識して,“学び→決意→実行”を生活に組み込んでいくようにしよう!


Order of Priority

Order of Priority.

The book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, is talking about "Order of Priority". I thought I knew what is "Order of Priority" but I noticed I didn't fully understand what it was and I just understood the word literally.

What is the Order of Priority in my life?

I was spending my time for dealing with emergencies happened day by day.
I was just spending my time to finish something before a dead line, that not connect to the future.

I need to think more about what isn't priority. This will change my life.


New Year Resolutions

My New Year Resolutions

1. Loss in weight
2. Run 300 km in this year
3. Meet more people and friends
4. Read more papers and books
5. Improve my English

I am gaining weight because of Grave's disease. I stop hard exercises because my doctor said so. However, after the values of a couple hormones become normal, I can start! What I can do know is not to gain more.

Last year, I tried 200 km but I couldn't reach because of my health issues. Especially during last summer, I couldn't run at all. This year, it's getting better so I am able to star running slowly.

It was not good way but I was just concentrated on my research and my life. I sometimes rejected to see people because I wanted to do something more for me, like my experiments and works. However, I published my second paper and it is good time to have a break a little while and to see people, especially my best friends. I guess my friends know very well about me and they don't get angry even I didn't see them because they knew what I want to do and the day will come soon to see them. This is the time to see people!!! I am going anywhere to see you, guys!! Please let me know when you have a time. Let's meet and talk!!

I have never counted the number of books and papers read in a year. So I cannot make exact number for my aim. However, I can start counting what I read during this year. 

Many people know my English grade was so bad especially when I was a high school student. I had a wonderful time at San Diego for one year during my high school year and it helped me so much because become a little more like English classes in Japan. Before that, I didn't like English classes because I didn't understand why I have to study English in the way i learned and it was not fun even I wanted to communicate with people in the world with English and I love speaking English! I felt the English study in Japanese high school was just for passing examinations to get into a good university. Now, I love study English because It's not for a grade or examinations but for myself. My aims for English are more than 900 in TOEIC and 1400 in Lexile measure!


Happy New Year, 2014!!!

Happy New Year to Everyone!
I hope every one of you have a wonderful year 2014!!

I didn't write much last year. I can add a reason because I was busy but it not the reason because I could make a time to write if I wanted and I needed. Actually I didn't feel like to write but I want now.

Actually I was very busy for a whole year 2013.
I attended two international conferences at Boston and Kobe (Japan) and one domestic one. I also published two academic papers last year. For the second paper, we just got the acceptance on 27th December! I was so happy and excited to have this notification because I met a requirement for my graduate with this acceptance. I just need to pass the PhD defense in January 2014 for my graduation.

There is a little bit long story behind the internship and my PhD years.
I have been waiting the time comes for eight years. Eight years were long and some people said I was wasting my time. I absented the school two years due to a diagnosis of adjustment disorder, this means I was working too much. After the absence, I came back to the school but I couldn't do anything because of many reasons and I was thinking to quit the school because I didn't have any data to publish. It was right before joining Advanced multi-career training program for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars. I had no idea what I needed to do next so I applied the program and I passed. I did the internship at RAC for three months and I met small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and I learned how to do it. I also had a chance to do my research with SAXS equipment after the internship and I spent 4 months to do SAXS measurement with my research sample. This meeting at RAC and experiences with SAXS completely changed my life!!! They helped my experiment and they gave me great advice and many encouragements when I needed. After I came back from this internship and research at RAC, I started writing a paper with SAXS data using my target proteins. It took a year to hand in a first journal and took one more years to have an acceptance. I want to thank many people who lead me to this success.

Thank you, Mark, a professor at my university. He found this internship, set up and supported all the time. He was the first parson who gave me a hope.
Thank you, Sasaki-san (RAC). If he didn't say YES for the internship, I have never graduate PhD. He gave me big chances and supported my research. He encouraged me all the time and never said no for negotiations with Mark!! He taught me about SAXS equipments. I also had great time with him at Texas.
Thank you, Life Science members, Pierre, Michael, Jim and Joe. Pierre helped the crystallization of my protein and carried out X-ray radiation experiment. Michael also gave me great advises about the crystallization. Jim and Joe also supported this internship and my experiments.
Thank you, Yamano-san and Matsumoto-san (RC). They gave me helpful advices and helped my experiments in Japan after I came back from RAC. 
Special thanks to Angela (RAC), who taught me scientific aspects about SAXS. I didn't know anything about SAXS when I went there first time but she taught me everything about SAXS. She also gave me good advices and encouraged all the time to get data for an academic paper. She also supported to write the paper. Without her help, I couldn't finish my PhD and graduate.

I also really appreciate my colleagues, teachers and friends who helping and supporting me.

I am sorry for waiting very long time to say "thank you" to everyone. I was waiting on purpose because I thought to publish a paper with SAXS data can be one of the expressions to say thank you!!

Again, thank you so much for your support for the last year! I hope you had a wonderful year 2013 and 2014 will be a great year ahead for you!!