
The Last Day of my PhD Student Year

Today is the last day for my PhD Student years.
I have been a PhD student for eight years while I was working at companies from2007. Sometimes research was endless and it seemed like never finish. I felt I couldn't finish PhD in the middle but I did!!

I learned many things during these years. I was learning at both school and company at the same time. Some people told me I was wasting my time but I have never though like that way because I learned that everything what I am doing right now will connect to my future when I was undergraduate. However, I was not sure I can do whatever I want to do in my life because I failed to pass examinations for Medical schools. In addition, I cannot give up anything without reasons that I can accept from my heart.

These combination brought me to do my research at PhD course. It was tough for early PhD years but I met many people later who helped me and encouraged me a lot. And then, fortunately, I finished PhD with many people's helps. I am really thankful to all of you.

I want to take it easy for a little while to move on to the next.


Do my best and be at my best

I was on the way from gym and I suddenly realized that "to do my best" and "to be at my best" is different. I tried to do my best all the time but I didn't care to be at my best. This means that even if I try to do my best, it is not my best because I am not at the best condition. When I want to do my best, to be at my best is needed. From now, I am trying to be at my best before to do my best.



震災から3年 ~今思うこと~











確かに,物理的な”復興”のみならず精神的な”復興”を含めた大きな意味での”復興”に時間はかかるだろう.何せ,なくしたものが大きすぎる.ただ,そこに強さも感じる. 前向きに生きていく強さ.


風の電話 http://www.asahi.com/special/10005/TKY201105120083.html


My finding - the relationship between the number of products and populations -

When I was at supermarket in Shanghai, I found many foods from Japan and they had more and more tastes!! We can find two or three tastes for one snack in Japan but more than five in China.

I was wondering why China has that much variety of tastes and I noticed because of the large population. 

Japan doesn't have much population so companies cannot make many tastes because companies are not able to sale as much as they want while it costs so much. However, China has large population so they can sale large number of products with many tastes. 

I cannot count people to make sure China has large populations but I feel it at supermarket with the many kind of products they sale at there. 

I thought this is one of good aspect of the large number of population!! 
The larger populations, the larger variety of foods!!!